‘All Things in Nature’
Written by: J.W. Pavlic
The material world is always entangled in the material modes of misery, and entanglements. The Universe is traveling in a
beauty, and momentum known as love. The human constitution’s based upon honesty, and not above nature’s law. All
things in nature have balance. All things in nature have destiny. The balance of nature’s nurtured by love.
The material world is always entangled in the material modes of goodness, passion, and ignorance. The human constitution,
and personality are destined by their own destiny, and nurtured by nature’s law. When given the well-rounded or educative
opinion that it needs the human personality, and constitution will gather, and reflect a well-rounded; or compliantly intoned
disposition that’s creative of the learning of a theoretical orientated world. The Universe’s moving in a motion,
and velocity known as time. Honesty is a substance of the Universe that’s rested upon an individuality of living sparks,
or supreme spirit in heaven, or the shelter of all manifestations, etc. The human ‘perspective’ personality, and
constitution are nurtured by its own destiny, and nature’s law.
The material world’s flowing in a beauty, and momentum known as time. The human reflective disposition, and personality
are traveling to a point and then back from that point gathering, and reflecting any opinions that may be given in a theoretical
orientated world. The human constitution and personality’s like a glimmering of twilight; or garden`s gathering of harmonious
sound. The Universe is flowing in a momentous beauty of etherness, and time. When the living entities are accepted as infinitesimal
living sparks of a supreme spirit then each minute spark becomes all-pervading and there’s no necessity of its being
controlled by superior power. When the personality, and human constitution are given the well-rounded, or compliantly intoned
view-point that’s needed it will reflect a well-rounded, or educatively intoned disposition that’s creative of
the learning of a theoretical Universe. The creatively intoned personality, and human constitution are part of the etherness
of an ethereal reasoning that’s particled by the infinitesimal cosmos. The creatively intoned disposition, and human
personality are traveling to a point; and then back from that point gathering, and reflecting any opinions subrisive or insubrisive
that’s given in a theoretical world. The material world’s always entangled in the material modes of entanglements
and miseries. All things in nature have destiny, and are nurtured by nature’s law.
The material world is always entangled in the three material modes of entanglement, and misery. What’s born of goodness
becomes enlightened, and full of knowledge. What’s born of passion may become weak; and fall down into the eternal modes
of entanglement, and miseries. What’s born of ignorance will always become entangled in the material modes of misery,
and all kinds of hellish conditions. The Universe’s flowing in an etherness of eternal reasoning and enlightenments.
The material world of a brighter future’s destined by its own destiny, and nurtured by love. . .
