Du al'Agneau

De l'aigle | Le Ville` | Shakti | L'égalité | Céu eterno | Sembilan | Malaikat | Infinita | Du al'Agneau | B'ak'tun | Lorentz | Õrn Seadus
'On the Lectures of Education'
Does the fate of our 'ego' become so entangled in the illusions of the material world that it can't stop to recognize the essential simplicities of life or the challenges that arise and are creative of itself and non-deniable? Or, perhaps "What's created with a mystery will remain a mystery even through evolution?" While life's an unexpected recording of these events or mystery of intrigue and adventure that's a blessing even through the creation of the Universe itself. What's created with a laugh will always be blessed with intrigue and the mysteries of love forever. . .