‘Daughter of the Himalayas'
Written by: J.W. Pavlic
A long time ago, in India the God Shiva was known as the controller of the cosmic forces while his wife ‘Paravatti’
was known as the healer of spiritual nature, and the loyal Nandi being servant of the gracious and mighty pair. Then once
upon a sunny day as Nandi was attending to his duties as gardener in the courtyard, Paravatti came up to him asking if he'd
keep a strict watch on the house while she prepared some fragrant oils and incense for her bath, and not to let anybody enter
without her permission. The loyal Nandi was immediately turned to the attention of this new duty, and task when suddenly he
saw his master Shiva approaching thus asking to himself: "How shall the master of the house be kept from entering his own
dwelling while still carrying out the orders of my mistress Paravatti?"
So (as the story came to be), the lovely Paravatti's orders were immediately dismissed and dissolved at the approach of Shiva's
entourage perturbing the beloved Goddess that her orders were not carried out, or commands obeyed as might've been expected
which was plainly told by the stodgily grin on her husband's face which was not up to par with the lovely Goddess's plan of
amusement, or idea of certainty for the day at all. The servants bestow their loyalty to Shiva first, ”the lovely Goddess
thought to herself.” "Shouldn't there be some-one to bestow their loyalty only to me?"
The next day while Paravatti was alone in the courtyard she took some milky oils from the powers of her divine countenance
and with the patience of wisdom, and kindness created a beautiful guardian boy to watch over her commands and be faithful
to her wishes. She looked lovingly upon the newly created guardian, as she smiled thoughtfully to herself saying: "Watch over
my commands that no one enters without permission!" The newly created guardian only smiled and responded by saying: "Thou
wish's my command!"
Not a few nights did pass until ‘Shiva’ again arrived at his doorstep finding that he was blocked by the newly
created guardian's order of reproach and command of forbidden entrance by the `enfamous lovely Goddess whose name's also known
as Durga, “The Daughter of the Himalayas". Such a bold refusal and order of reproach infuriated the thundering God of
the cosmic forces whom responded by saying: "How dare you block the entranceway to my dwelling?” The newly created guardian
only shrugged and smiled by saying: "No one shall enter my Beloved Goddess mother's house with-out her permission!" Not believing
what to make of the situation Shiva stormed off to find his loyal servant and companion ‘Nandi’ to help give a
lesson to this new upstart!
After taking a few Ganjas from the bulk of Shiva's army, Nandi proceeded to attack the newly created guardian boy's post with
such a tremendous fury, and surge of force that all of the grounds shook and the houses trembled and almost fell. But the
newly created guardian stood firm and was not dismayed by all the disruption, or the force of the attacks of the ensuing onslaughts,
or the attacking force of the ensuing onslaughts of the quays standing by his Goddess mother's order of reproach; and forbidden
entrance as the demons of the underground wondered in dismay as to the loyalty of the newly created companion's strength,
and faithfulness to the commands that his Goddess mother's orders be obeyed. The demons of the underground marveled at all
of the commotion and wondered in dismay at the unsuccessful attacks of the onslaughts of the quays while the newly created
guardian stood faithfully by his Goddess mother's orders; as the armies of the Ganjas fell back into the retreat of their
own surrender, and great disarray. "Never was there such a thing,” they reported back to Shiva. "He was so strong and
very quick!"
The disruption of the ensuing onslaughts and the attack of the ensuing force of the quays had also attracted the attention
of the demigods of the underground and their spirit Gods of divinity whom harmoniously choired: "This newly created spirit
God's of a divinity, as must be his orders!" The newly created guardian stood firm against all of the ensuing disruptions,
and the attack of the force of the onslaughts of the quays faithfully guarding his Goddess mother's order not to let anybody
enter with-out her permission, and too faithfully obey. The ensuing force of the onslaughts of disruption, and the commotion
of the onslaughts of intrigue had also attracted the attention of the creator of the Universe "Brahma" who honorably declared
to all that would listen: "Let's seek a solution to the dilemma of this situation by meditating on the tranquilities of the
Universe and its more peaceful rewards!" But, the great king's skill of meditative tranquility, and communicative advice came
down upon deft ears as the chastising with disdain of short and civil manner gave way to the infuriating of tempers amongst
the loudest; and bravest of Shiva's gainful, and ill-gotten flairs. "Man thy weapons,” went the battle cry. And "Let
no stone be left unturned!” Around and around went the battle cry as the dilemma of the situation grew bolder; and all
of the infuriation of its challenging and intrigue. While all along the mighty Paravatti was watching this situation from
a distance and wondering in bewilderment at the disruption and intrigue!
All along Paravatti was watching the situation and wondering at the ensuing dilemma of the onslaughts, and the bewilderment
of the onslaughts of intrigue, as the demons of the underground marveled at her newly created guardian's stance. The newly
created guardian was watchful of his commands to faithfully obey her wishes not to let anybody enter with-out permission.
All the heavens marveled as the lovely Goddess spoke: "Why go to such lengths for just one small boy?" The newly created guardian
was steadfast against all ongoing attacks of disruption, and the focused attacks of the onslaughts of intrigue only shrugging
any onslaughts of disproportion, or ensuing force of disruption staying faithful to the charge that his Goddess mother's orders
be obeyed. "Why bring so many onslaughts against just one small boy trying to prove your subjects of infidelities and lodgings?"
The mighty Paravatti then changed her demur into a focus of impersonal bliss while taking some herbs from the wealth of her
countenance and with the wisdom of kindness, and patience of love created two more Goddess warriors to swallow up the armies
of disruption and to help with the destruction of the weapons of mass confusion, and disarray. While the magic formed by the
lovely Goddess warriors that were created by the Goddess Paravatti was so powerful they formed the mountains of the Himalayas
from where the armies of the Ganjas were swallowed up and to this day the mountains are known as “The Unmovable Ones!"
