'Strange Are the Ways of Love'
From 1959 movie "The Young Land"
Subtitle: "Strange Brew"
Ode: Dr. Miguelito Quixote Loveless
A rainbow colors the Autumn sky
So over-powering that you'd want to cry
Yet know one sees this but you and I
Strange are the ways of love
Sunlight touches a grain of sand
For those that are lonely
They don't understand
They say it's nothing
We say its grande'
Strange are the ways of love
The hand of fate's long over-due
Perhaps from worlds
that we never knew
When hearts were young
When dreams stayed true
Strange are the ways of love
A land so young and sweat and warm
Whence sheltered by the blazened storm
How tender each moment seems to be
When in rapture it appears to me
Strange are the ways of love
the end